Monday, November 9, 2009

Anjelina, You Can't Have it All

So, I saw this trailer today.

And the one thing that went through my head was, Anjelina Jolie looks really fucking old. But I googled her right afterward, and she's only thirty-five! So then I watched the trailer again. And there was that thought again. Has she been botoxing lately or something? There's just something about her and this movie that don't mesh. I'm not sure why, but she just looks silly. It's like she is trying to recreate Lara Croft ten years later. I mean, this movie looks awesome, but just watching the trailer makes me tired. How am I going to feel with two hours of run-down Anjelina? Fuck.

You can't do it all, Anjie. It's ok to focus your energy on orphaned African children and play more quiet roles like A Mighty Heart. No one will knock you. But I'm telling you, something here just didn't click with me. And I generally respect Anjelina Jolie as an actress. I'm not saying this out of spite or because I think she is better at community service. I'm saying that sometimes, if you're doing too much, it shows. Slow down, Anjie! You don't need to play the action star now even if in the past you were badass and awesome. It's ok- people will still love you. 

Am I the only one whose seeing this when watching the trailer? 


The Movie Mistress

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if she looks old...more like they let interns do hair and makeup. (Especially hair)
